Your gift to the Morrison Center will help us advance our commitment to ensure every Idahoan experiences inspiration, creativity, and connection. Consider giving to the Morrison Center in the following ways.
Become a Morrison Center Member
Memberships start with a contribution of $250 and above and are an integral part of the Morrison Center. In addition, membership gifts support artistic and educational programming, from the performances you experience on stage to our educational work around Idaho. These efforts are possible because of our Members.
Click here to become a Morrison Center Member
Boise State University Advancement - Memo: Morrison Center Ovation Circle
Mail or drop off Boise State University Advancement 1173 University Dr. Boise, ID 83706
Become an Ovations Circle Member
Investments to the Morrison Center for above $5,000 are part of a special group of supporters. Your leadership level directly supports the Morrison Center's efforts, from free community events to a diverse program of educational opportunities. In addition, your generous support enables us to Enrich A Signature Space and share the spirit of the arts. Your donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by IRS rules and regulations and any other applicable tax laws.
Become a Member of the Ovations Circle.
Ovations Circle Information:
Our Ovations fund is administered through the Boise State University Foundation. 501(c)(3) #82-6010706. Contributions are tax-deductible.
More information here: https://www.boisestate.
Boise State University Advancement - Memo: Morrison Center Ovation Circle
Mail or drop off Boise State University Advancement 1173 University Dr. Boise, ID 83706